Andrea's Success Story
"My journey has been long, I started it here at Kindred Hospital and then I was able to transfer to the acute rehab. All I can say is that I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to come here and be able to recover here. Today is my graduation day and I couldn't be any happier. I get to go home today thanks to this wonderful team that has helped me reach my goals from nursing to housekeeping, doctors, administration, everyone has been exceptional. When I first got here it was hard for me to move and now, I'm completely independent. My favorite times was when I was able to go outside to look at the water view and every so often, I would be able to see a dolphin. This place is a gem.”
- Andrea
Andrea was admitted to Kindred St. Pete LTAC after a complicated hospital stay where she was treated after suffering a pulseless electrical activity (PEA) arrest, acute respiratory failure, and acute chronic kidney failure. When she was admitted to Kindred, she was max assist, required oxygen and was also on a heparin drip due to a pulmonary embolism.
She progressed with the help of the clinical teams including respiratory and rehab and was weaned off oxygen, off the drip. She qualified for admission to the Acute Rehab Unit where she worked hard, regained her strength and was able to discharge home completely independent!