Mary's Success Story
"My mom stayed at Kindred for three weeks and I can't say enough positive things about the staff and care that she received. All the nurses, rehabilitation and wound care team, cafeteria workers and even individuals who handled her medical supplies were amazingly helpful and constantly checked in on her. Even nurses that she had early in her stay came in to check in on her. They encouraged and motivated her throughout her journey, and she got stronger and was able to leave after three weeks. The love and support that we received throughout our time there was top-notch.”
- Melissa, Mary's daughter
Mary was admitted to Kindred Hospital Central Tampa after a complicated hospital stay due to acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, and sepsis. She required mechanical ventilation, tracheostomy placement and total assistance for all mobility.
Kindred’s multidisciplinary approach to care enabled Mary to wean from the ventilator and regain her ability to talk and eat a regular diet. With the support of her family and the care teams, she regained her mobility and was able to be discharged after being decannulated, weaned off oxygen, ambulating with a rolling walker, and able to complete most of her activities of daily living independently. Mary is now at an acute rehab facility working on continuing to regain her full independence.