Sammie's Success Story
From Kindred Hospital Dallas Central
Sammie, a retired gentleman who enjoyed life at home with his family, became ill and was admitted to a local hospital in Dallas. There, he was diagnosed with acute respiratory failure, followed by additional complications, including pneumonia and a UTI. Once stable and showing slight medical improvement, a decision was made to transfer Sammie to Kindred Hospital Dallas Central for further medical care, including vent weaning and extensive rehabilitation, along with IV antibiotic treatments to battle his pneumonia.
Upon admission, Sammie was alert, and the care team quickly crafted a comprehensive care plan based on his existing medical conditions. The admitting physician promptly administered the appropriate antibiotics to treat his pneumonia. The pulmonologist and respiratory therapy team sprang into action, working closely with Sammie using advanced breathing techniques. Their efforts were successful, and within the first two weeks of admission, Sammie was liberated from the ventilator.
Once off the ventilator, Sammie eagerly applied himself to a rigorous physical and occupational therapy program. Under the guidance of skilled physical therapists, Sammie focused on regaining his strength and mobility. The occupational therapy team worked with him to improve his daily living skills, ensuring he could return to his routine at home. With their support, Sammie was able to transfer from bed to chair and from chair to walker, and he ambulated with assistance, demonstrating significant improvement in his physical capabilities. Simultaneously, speech therapists assisted Sammie in overcoming any speech and swallowing difficulties caused by his extended time on the ventilator. Motivated by his dedicated care team and driven by the goal of returning home, Sammie made remarkable progress.
Having met all the goals set in his care plan, Sammie was discharged to Kindred’s acute rehab unit, where he continues his recovery and works on further strengthening himself. On behalf of the entire staff at Kindred, we wish him every success in his recovery journey.