Robert's Success Story
"I am so thankful for the people who fought to save my life!”
- Robert
Robert, 36, was found in his car while it was still running, unresponsive. He had been in his car for over three hours before he was found by his neighbors. Doctors later told Robert he had started to go into sepsis and probably would not have made it if his neighbors didn’t find him when they did.
Robert was intubated for airway protection and placed on four liters of oxygen for hypoxia, then was admitted to the ICU for COVID-19 with superimposed pneumonia. He was later diagnosed with renal failure and was transitioned to intermittent hemodialysis. Robert then underwent a tracheostomy (trach) procedure and was given a chest tube. He continued to be stabilized and was deemed ready for transport to Kindred Hospital Indianapolis North (Kindred North), with a trach, nasogastric (NG) tube and the need for dialysis.
At Kindred North, Robert began the weaning and therapy process. While he was there, the toleration of capping trails went well, and he worked very hard with the therapy team in regaining his mobility and strength. Once Robert passed the swallowing test and his diet was upgraded, he was discharged from Kindred North after being weaned from his trach and nasogastric tube and no longer needed any dialysis treatments.
Robert says that he is convinced that Kindred North saved his life and he can now get back to being with his son, playing the guitar, and being a dog trainer.