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Nathan's Success Story

Happy patient leaving hospital with caregivers

From Kindred Hospital Albuquerque

Nathan lived a vibrant life, until early 2024 when his world changed with a diagnosis of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). This rare condition caused his immune system to attack his nerves, leading to severe muscle weakness and paralysis. The onset was swift, and Nathan soon found himself in a local hospital, battling not only the effects of GBS but also acute respiratory failure and pneumonia. As weeks passed, Nathan's condition worsened, necessitating the use of a ventilator to support his breathing.

Recognizing the need for specialized care a medical decision was made to transfer him to Kindred Hospital Albuquerque. At Kindred, Nathan began a new phase of his journey that focused on healing and rehabilitation. The initial priority was to wean him off the ventilator. With each passing day, Nathan's respiratory therapists adjusted his care, gradually reducing his dependence on the machine. It was a slow and steady progress, marked by small victories in breathing trials and adjustments to his treatment plan.

Simultaneously, Nathan embarked on a rigorous physical therapy regimen. Months of being bed-bound had taken a toll on his muscles, and the physical therapists at Kindred tailored exercises to rebuild his strength. Starting with gentle movements to prevent stiffness and muscle wasting, they progressed to more intensive sessions aimed at restoring his mobility and independence. Occupational therapists worked closely with Nathan to regain his ability to perform daily tasks. From learning to use adaptive equipment to practicing fine motor skills and coordination, each session brought him closer to reclaiming his autonomy. Speech therapy addressed Nathan's challenges with swallowing and communication. Therapists introduced exercises to improve his swallowing reflex and practiced techniques to enhance his speech clarity.

Weeks turned into months, and Nathan's determination never wavered. His progress was slow but steady! By the end of his stay at Kindred, Nathan successfully weaned off the ventilator, regained significant mobility, and could independently perform many daily activities. Passing all care plan goals, Nathan was deemed suitable for discharge and discharged to a lower-level care for additional rehab. From the entire staff at Kindred, we wish him all the success in his recovery.


Care for Complex Conditions

Patients come to our hospitals with serious conditions such as respiratory failure, complex wounds, sepsis, stroke, congestive heart failure, or even a combination of these. Their diagnoses are often complicated by existing health problems like diabetes or COPD. Many of our patients require treatments such as mechanical ventilators, dialysis, or IV therapy.