Eugene's Success Story
Eugene and his family agree he has cheated death more than five times since that horrible day in May.
One day in May, Eugene was celebrating his sister’s wedding, and two months later, he woke up.
After his sister’s wedding, Eugene was in a terrible accident, where he hit a tree. Thankfully the neighbors heard the accident and called 911. Eugene’s injuries were so severe, they had to life-flight him to a hospital where he was intubated and had a lacerated kidney. During Eugene’s hospital stay, he caught pneumonia, was placed on ECMO for about a month, had a tracheostomy placed, was put on a ventilator and also needed an NG tube. He had significant blood loss with over 50 units of blood transfusions, went into septic shock and when his body started retaining fluid and bloating, he was given daily dialysis.
After 58 days, Eugene was admitted to Kindred Hospital Lima. Being transported by ambulance was the only thing Eugene remembered after his sister’s wedding. He came to us with a trach, tube feeding, a fractured back, on several pain medications and was unable to walk or talk.
With a lot of willpower, therapy and support from his friends and family, Eugene is leaving Kindred on a normal diet, alert and oriented, walking with some help, able to write, his trach removed, and he can sit in a chair with his back brace on.
Eugene’s family shared they are grateful for all the great care Eugene received while at Kindred Hospital Lima.