Angela's Success Story
"Thank you, Kindred, for getting me back home with my family!”
- Angela
Angela was admitted to Kindred Hospital Louisville from Norton Hospital after developing acute respiratory distress from having the flu and COVID-19. While at Norton Hospital, Angela required assistance with breathing and had a trach inserted to assist with her recovery.
Upon admission to Kindred Hospital Louisville Angela was very weak and unable to breathe, eat, or care for herself independently.
Angela shared she has been retired since battling and surviving cancer. She now enjoys watching movies and spending time with her sons and grandbabies. Her family brings her so much joy in life and kept her motivated to continue her recovery.
With her dedication to her recovery and the interdisciplinary team at Kindred Hospital Louisville, she was discharged home after one month. Upon discharge, Angela was using a small amount of supplemental oxygen, eating and breathing independently. Angela had regained so much strength she had been practicing the stairs with Rob from the rehab team. Angela stated Rob was a complete motivator and radiated positivity!